Are you fed up having your online activities tracked without your consent?
Annoyed about leaking personal data from your IP address when online?

Then let IP Viper software stop all of that now !


IP Viper is a handy little software that quickly & easily lets you hide your real IP address with a couple of clicks of the mouse ! Its not just an IP changer, its a way changing how you surf to help you HIDE YOUR IP ADDRESS & help safegaurd your online identity from would be hackers and online snoopers who can and will use your personal data in an exploitative manner.


Evey time you go online you expose your real IP address to the world ! Whenever you access a website, the server you connect to logs your IP address and attaches it to all the other data the site can learn about you: your browsing habits, your marketing tastes, the websites you like to visit what you click on or download, how long you spend looking at a particular page etc.


So, whats the deal about this then?


Well, they may choose to sell this data to advertising companies who use it to tailor ads straight to you.This may explain why ads on the internet sometimes feel strangely pertinent to you and this is because they are.Your IP address can also be used to track your location, even when your location services are turned off !

In a way, your IP address is something of an ID card when you go online and as much as you wouldn’t want any would-be-scammer to have that: equally you wouldn’t want them to have your IP address either would you? If you want to read more about this , you can here!

Who wants to leak any of that to would be snoopers and online hackers !


With a simple and quick install of this windows software ( suitable for all versions of windows) you can be up and running in protecting your real IP and personal information in no time!



Once you have IP Viper on your computer, a click of the search button will send Viper off to look for anonymous proxies that can be used to hide your IP from those preying eyes! In a minute or two , you will have accesss to those proxies in the softwares display table to choose which geolocation you want to hide behind.It couldnt be any simplier with IP Viper !

IP Viper has lots of customisable features that you can learn about here ! However, the default settings are all you need if you want a simple & quick solution to hide your real IP address & need  to surf the net privately without being monitored by online spys?




For a small, one time ,payment you can secure your copy of IP Viper that will let you :


* Hide your real IP address & mask your online Identity

* Navigate the web Anonymously without being tracked by others

* Select from a range of locations from around the world

* Filter those proxies by Speed, location, country, website & so on

* One time lifetime licence fee , never pay again !


Secure your copy of IP Viper today for a once only payment of just £8.99, with NO RECURING SUBSCRIPTIONS & protect your online presence and data from hackers and scammers !




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